Going to court for about a year now, for Amya's murder trial. I used to be so angry and hurt walking into court; today I am confident in this journey of justice. It also helped that I had a therapy appointment prior to court, and she asked, "What if his bond gets reduced?"- worst case scenario, I replied, "When we get to that point. I'm not going to grieve thinking about it, then grieve again when it happens, that's too much energy. Worst case scenario sounds so fearful."
I've been trusting my prayers, and my intentions a lot more lately and if it didn't happen yet, try not to make it a thought; Thoughts always come back. Needless to say, no bond reduction and he got appointed a court appointed lawyer. Continuing my day, this darn truck of mine has an oil leak, baddddd. All in the same day. Another materialistic curve ball to try and test me. I am still grateful. My day wasn't good or bad, it was successful.